On the 10th of June 1886, Mount Tarawera awoke with a roar.
Your Thermal Wonderland tour takes you right over the 6-kilometre chasm that is the mountains crater, and all around the utterly beautiful results of its eruption: impressive lakes, highly active thermal areas and the awe-inspiring Tarawera Falls.
Learn the cultural significance of Mount Tarawera and see why this mountain is one of the most sacred Māori areas in the entire country.
View the site where the official 8th wonder of the world – the Pink and White Terraces – was lost forever to the historic eruption.
This volcanic, historic and cultural trail of discovery concludes with a beautiful return flight along the Bay of Plenty coastline
A one-hour flight from $250 per seat.
Island Air, 1 De Havilland Way,
Tauranga Airport, Mount Maunganui,
Bay of Plenty 3116 - +64 7 575 5795